Friday, November 14, 2008

What I Am

This period in my life has been a time of contemplation. I have decided for the first time in my life I really know who I am, how important I am and where I'd like to go. I know that I am a Daughter of God, my parents child, my sister's friend. I know I'm important to my nephew who loves me lots and to the children I am so blessed to work for and they too are important to me.

But who I want to be is...better. I want to learn more in school, about myself, and the Gospel. I want to be a little closer to my Heavenly Father everyday, I want to learn something new about the world everyday and I want to discover new talents to share with the world all the time. I want to be a better family member (I know my actions this past few days have said otherwise).

I know it all sounds so silly but because of my recent trials I have been especially sensative to alot of things that are going on around me and have been a bit bothered by things that I wouldn't normally let get to me. Like watching people spend too much money when they can't even pay their own bills, or people telling me that I have too much faith (maybe they don't have enough) and that I rely on my Heavenly Father too much and even watched people mistreat one another over basic differences. I knowthat I am guilty of these things, but that is not who I want to be. There are many more things that my sensitivies have been gathering those are just a few examples. I'm not complaining though because it just makes me know what I want to do better and what I need to correct.

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