Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Adventure in a Boring Life

Ok so for the past few months all I've been able to do is work, go to church, sleep, eat and spend time with my family. Not that the last one is too bad. I really enjoy my family, but for a person my age, that's not the most exciting life, and being in the circumstances that I'm currently in I'm not allowed to do much else.

So anyway the adventure in my not so exciting life was my first day back to college classes. It was great. Just another confirmation that my education is headed in the right direction. One of my professors was impressed with my reasons and choice in major, simply its very similar to what she does. So she seems to have taken a special interest in me and told me to be in regular communication with her so she knows how I'm doing. I don't know about anyone else, but its nice to have some one care about you like that. All my professors seem to be a somewhat interesting, not like that boring professors I had when I was a pre-law major.

To top it off I signed up for a pilates class at school. Tomorrow I will have one more new class to conquer, but this one I think I might be ok in....since its the topic of the field I already work in(with my luck though it will be my hardest class to take...lol).

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