Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just an Update

Hey all...

So the past 2 weeks have been an adventure. Classes started and I've had a ton of homework. I'm not used to this load since this is the most amount of classes I have taken in one semester. It's always hard to get into a structured schedule when your work hours and study hours are pretty unpredictable.

Usually you never see the same 2 faces in your classes, but since the program that I am in is a combination program and is fairly small, I get to see almost all the same people all day and since I'm a bit shy, I'm sure it goes without saying that I'm out of my comfort zone sitting in the class room with a bunch of rude rich kids, who find it entertaining to talk over the professors and make fun of people.

Other then that, my professors are great and I'm learning alot. I'm excited to see how I do and what I learn!!!

1 comment:

Soares Family said...

WE miss hanging around with you, but WAY TO GO GIRLIE!!! Keep up the great work and just know that we love ya!